
Friday, August 12, 2016

Surfing Day

Here's My Poem 

I feel warm sand and cold water on my feet.

I taste salt water  in my mouth when a  huge wave pushes me over.

I see dogs run around on the beach.

I touch sand and water.

I smell the sea water when i am in the water.

My TimeTable

This term our school value we are focusing on being an Enthusiastic Learner. This means in Term 3 we are focusing on sticking to our own timetables. This also means we are becoming good at self managing our own work and learning goals. Here is my timetable for this week. What do you think? Do you have any tips for me to manage my time better?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

100 Word Challenge

Here my 100WC

I saw in the distance a bright yellow thing and I kept walking towards it until I was close. I saw a dark black bamboo thing that I had never seen before and I really wanted to touch the bamboo. I touched the bamboo and it was really smooth, warm and soft.

A Few hours later, I heard something rustle and I saw a bright yellow human. I walked closer until I was next to the bright yellow human.

“Hello” I said.

“Don’t move girl!” The bright yellow human said.

The bright yellow human turned me into a tiny yellow fairy and I saw millions of yellow fairies.